St George's CE Primary School St George's CE Primary School

St George's CE Primary School

John 10:10 - 'I have come that you may have life in all its fullness'

Governing Board Details

Constitution of the Governing Board


The Governing Board comprises 11 governors. There are different types of governor depending on who has appointed/elected them. As we are a Church of England Voluntary Aided (VA) School, the Foundation Governors are the largest group:


  • The Foundation Governors (6 in total) are appointed by St George’s Ecumenical Church Council (ECC) or the Manchester Diocesan Board of Education; One of the ministers within the Team Ministry of Westhoughton, Daisy Hill, Wingates and Blackrod, is an “ex-officio” Foundation Governor.

  • There is 1 Local Authority (LA) Governor who is appointed by the Local Authority in Bolton.

  • There are 2 Parent Governors who are elected by the parents of the children who attend our school.

  • There is 1 Staff Governor who is elected by the staff of St George’s.

  • There is 1 Co-opted Governor who is appointed by the Governing Board.

  • The Head Teacher is also an “ex-officio” governor.


The Governing Board has two committees. A Resource and Management Group (RMG) and a Curriculum and Standards Monitoring Group (CSMG).  Each committee meets termly and there is also a termly Full Governing Board meeting.
