Constitution of the Governing Board
The Governing Board comprises 11 governors. There are different types of governor depending on who has appointed/elected them. As we are a Church of England Voluntary Aided (VA) School, the Foundation Governors are the largest group:
The Foundation Governors (6 in total) are appointed by St George’s Ecumenical Church Council (ECC) or the Manchester Diocesan Board of Education; One of the ministers within the Team Ministry of Westhoughton, Daisy Hill, Wingates and Blackrod, is an “ex-officio” Foundation Governor.
There is 1 Local Authority (LA) Governor who is appointed by the Local Authority in Bolton.
There are 2 Parent Governors who are elected by the parents of the children who attend our school.
There is 1 Staff Governor who is elected by the staff of St George’s.
There is 1 Co-opted Governor who is appointed by the Governing Board.
The Head Teacher is also an “ex-officio” governor.
The Governing Board has two committees. A Resource and Management Group (RMG) and a Curriculum and Standards Monitoring Group (CSMG). Each committee meets termly and there is also a termly Full Governing Board meeting.