All videos produced by school are now posted on our Facebook page. These videos are memories of the time when school was closed due to the pandemic.
Mrs Cottingham's Story Time
Mrs Cottingham reads 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister.
Mrs Cunliffe's Story Time
Mrs Cunliffe reads 'Frog and the Stranger' by Max Velthuijs.
Mrs Cottingham's Story Time
Mrs Cottingham reads 'What the Ladybird Heard Next' by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks.
Mr Hindle's Story Time
Mrs Hindle reads 'Naughty Bus' by Jan and Jerry Oke.
Miss Braithwaite's Story Time
Miss Braithwaite reads 'Beware of the Storybook Wolves' by Lauren Child.
Miss Fenwick's Story Time
Miss Fenwick reads 'What's That Noise?' by Stephanie Moss.
Miss Braithwaite's Story Time
Miss Braithwaite reads 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson.
Mr Hennessey's Story Time
Mr Hennessey reads 'Zog and the Flying Doctors' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.
Miss Fenwick's Story Time
Miss Fenwick reads The Lonely Beast by Chris Judge.
Miss Fenwick's Story Time
Miss Fenwick reads 'Megaboy' by Ian Cunliffe.
Mrs Cottingham's Story Time
There's a Dragon In Your Book by Tom Fletcher.
Mrs Higham's Story Time
Mrs Higham reads 'Little Bear's Big Adventure'.
Mr Hennessey's Story Time
Mr Hennessey reads 'Night Monkey Day Monkey' by Julia Donaldson.
Mrs Smith's Story Time
Mrs Smith reads 'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Donaldson.
Miss Simpson's Story Time
Miss Simpson reads 'Charlie Cook's Favourite Book' by Julia Donaldson.
Mrs Fairbank's Story Time
Mrs Fairbank reads 'A Piece of Cake' by Jill Murphy.
Miss Hilton's Story Time
Miss Hilton reads 'Underpants, Wonderpants' by Peter Bentley.
Mrs Winnard's Story Time
Mrs Winnard reads 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury.
Mrs Hindle's Story Time
Mrs Hindle reads 'Bumblebear' by Nadia Shireen.
St George's Staff - Guess Who?
Can you identify the staff of St George's in their younger years?
Mr Hennessey's Story Time
Mr Hennessey reads 'Aliens Love Underpants' by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort.
Miss Hilton's Friday Story Time
Miss Hilton reads 'Don't Eat The Teacher' by Nick Ward.
Early Years & KS1 Thank You Montage
Early Years and KS1 would like to say thank you to all the key workers.
Year 5 - Messages of Hope
Year 5 have sent messages to their friends and family during lock down - rays of sunshine one and all!
Year 4 - Messages of Hope
Year 4 share their messages of hope to their friends and everyone else - little rays of sunshine one and all!
Mrs Hindle's Story Time
Mrs Hindle reads 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' by Judith Kerr.
Miss Fenwick's Story Time
Miss Fenwick reads 'Harris Finds His Feet' by Catherine Rayner.
Messages from our KS2 Staff
KS2 staff share messages to our out for the bloopers at the end..Be Safe.
Miss Braithwaite's Story Time
Miss Braithwaite reads 'Green Eggs and Ham' by Dr Seuss.
Miss Wallwork's Story Time
Miss Wallwork reads, 'Barry the Fish with Fingers' by Sue Hendra.
Mrs Cottingham's Story Time
Mrs Cottingham reads 'Elmer and the Rainbow' by David Mckee.
Miss Hilton's St George's Day Story Time
Miss Hilton reads 'George's Dragon' by Claire Freedman and Russell Julian.
Miss Fenwick's Story Time
Miss Fenwick reads 'The Magic Porridge Pot' by Rosie Dickins. What would you put in your magic pot?
Mrs Hindle's Story Time
Mrs Hindle reads 'Kipper's Toybox' by Mick Inkpen.
Miss Daft's Story Time
Miss Daft reads 'Oi Frog!' by Kes Gray and Jim Field...with a little help from Sienna!
Mrs Hindle's Story Time
Mrs Hindle reads 'Kitchen Disco' by Clare Foges and illustrated by Al Murphy.
Miss Braithwaite's Story Time
Miss Briathwaite reads 'The Crocodile Who Didn't Like Water' by Gemma Merino.
Miss Hilton's Story Time
Miss Hilton reads 'Some Dogs Do' by Jez Alborough...what can you do that is extraordinary?
Story Time with Miss Wallwork
Miss Wallwork reads 'Tiddler' by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Alex Scheffler.
Story Time with Mrs Cottingham
Mrs Cottingham reads A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson with help from Alfie!
Miss Fenwick's Story Time
Miss Fenwick reads The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.
Mrs Hindle's Story Time
Mrs Hindle reads Angelica Sprocket's Pockets by Quentin Blake.
St George's - Talent Show
The children of St George's showed off an impressive array of their talents to raise funds for Milly's Smiles.
World Book Day
I Would Read 500 Books!
Y6 Leavers Video - 2019
Happy Days and Memories...Good Luck to you all! We will miss you...